I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on November 3rd, 1994. Following my curiosity, I was encouraged to explore my abilities in different fields – from competitive sports to education and art-related practices. This allowed me a unique adaptability to excel in and combine different environments and faculties.

In 2012 I graduated from the prestigious Saint Andrews Scotts School in Buenos Aires and was immediately recruited to play professional field hockey for the National Argentina Team.

After three years of a successful career as a professional athlete, I decided to pursue my passion in the field of Graphic Design at The University of Buenos Aires. I worked in two different design agencies throughout my carrier and ended up being the lead graphic designer at a well-known insurance company called Experta Seguros.

In 2020, I decided to further my education by pursuing a Design and Urban Ecologies Master’s program at Parsons, The New School. My work and life are based on teamwork and a strong work ethic in many different arenas.

I am grateful that my professional career thus far has allowed me to perform vastly different activities and studies while providing me with invaluable life and work experience. Currently, I dedicate all my skills to the combination of visual communication and urban planning, which feeds my fascination with community-based work and environmental justice.

Welcom to Roberta’s Land,
where all dreams come true.